LocationSalinas, CA 93906 Phone(831) 217-4425

Insights From an Experienced Roofing Contractor

Materials You Can Use for Your Roof

Are you planning to repair or replace your roof? Before you get to it, you need to know what materials you can use for your roof. While there is a general consensus that slate is the best material for roofs, other materials have their own benefits. If you want to know what they are, then you can consult a roofing contractor. They can help you choose the right type of roofing material for your home.

Here are the top three materials you can use for your roofing project:


Metal roofs are durable and last longer than other types of roofs. They are also cost-effective since they are quite affordable. They are also eco-friendly since they do not contain many chemicals, unlike their counterparts made of clay or concrete.


This is another popular material for roofs. They are known for their durability and affordability. They are also easy to install, unlike metal roofs. However, clay roofs are known to be vulnerable to fire and other elements. They need to be well-maintained to prevent them from warping or cracking.


Concrete is another popular roofing material. They are durable and long-lasting. They are also quite affordable, which is why they are highly preferred by homeowners who want to reduce their expenses. They do, however, need to be maintained to prevent them from cracking and warping.

Asphalt shingles

Asphalt shingles are the most common roofing material used in the construction of houses and commercial structures. They are the most commonly used roofing material because they are durable, affordable, and can be easily installed. Their only disadvantage is that they are subject to algae and mold growth. If your home has a leaky roof, you can use asphalt shingles on the exterior walls to seal up the gaps.

If you are looking for a roofing contractor in Salinas, CA, then you can never go wrong when you choose Earl Deal Roofing. Call us at (831) 217-4425 to know more about our services.

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